About Me

My photo
I thought it was about time to start writing and working with others , musing , getting feedback, lift up , revitalizing, yes you and you and you so feel free to stop on by , share a cup of joe or two, Ill share me, you can share you Muah! All writings here are property of LuvbabyLuv tm and of Myself, Cynthia LuvbabyLuv , original works

Daily Outlook

A new days begun,time to kiss the sun…LuvbabyLuv

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Help Keep Art Alive

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blinding Light

There is a great crowd reaching
                                                  searching in the dark

Needing enlightenment
    Grabbing hold onto anything that shines into their dim eyes

There is a great crowd prefering to lend out its' mind for
    someone else to think for them

This crowd finds comfort in words spoken with emphasis
      by great orators

Their ears used only to hear
  listening for them isn't a need

Sheep easily led to the slaughter

Be cautious of hands that pat weary heads

 the same hands that fill their own bellies before

Craving souls of those yearning to see

Blinded by the same light which seemed to be seen

Friday, January 18, 2013

Me and You

Walk with me
take my hand
as we stroll through
an amazing land

the path narrow
sometimes it will be steep
Ill hold tight to you
if you hold tight to me

the dream was mine
was yours too

We found each other
me and you

yours and mine

one moment in time
is not the same as
another moment in time

one moves forward
another is left behind

sometimes sewn together
when they become
yours and mine

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Full was my heart

Bursting through , warm and blue

changed by air

turned red through and through

Breathing you in and out again

A cage of ribs holding tight

full was my heart

Bleeding out , cool blue

deep inside , where all things


As now I feel Im taking my last

Feeling the beating as my heart
still caged deflates in my chest

Cynthia LuvbabyLuv

Our Way

So here I am

Its been a time or two or three

him and me

Then it is a time where it feels Im again alone

although he was/is my home

Its been a day , then tomorrow became

We once finished each other sentences and now
we don't have words to say what we need to say

We've lost our way

Cynthia LuvbabyLuv