About Me

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I thought it was about time to start writing and working with others , musing , getting feedback, lift up , revitalizing, yes you and you and you so feel free to stop on by , share a cup of joe or two, Ill share me, you can share you Muah! All writings here are property of LuvbabyLuv tm and of Myself, Cynthia LuvbabyLuv , original works

Daily Outlook

A new days begun,time to kiss the sun…LuvbabyLuv

Help Keep Art Alive

Help Keep Art Alive

Saturday, February 27, 2010

You are my thoughts

You are my thoughts
You are what crosses my mind
You are my hopes and my dreams
The day Your Heart found mine

We are and were ment to be
I love you and always will
I for you , you for me

Heart to Purr

Your cologne caresses my senses as my cheek
lays on your pillow

You'll be home soon and here i will be
waiting and you will know

that all you have to do is whisper in my ear
to cause me to stir, my heart to purr

I am yours

Friday, February 26, 2010

A letter to the Death of Love

I find myself so lost without you
I find myself yearning and longing for the cool breeze
for the sunshine , for the song birds sing
all things you are like for they
are felt , but unseen

how do i make my heart stop this nonsense baby i love you so much

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sweet Sleep

It is in the darkness we meet
You walk softly through my thoughts
You fill my dreams and we are one
in between the sheets

It is in the light of the moon
where your arms pull me close
it is on the back of my neck i feel your breath
and im tickled by your nose

It is the song of crickets stringed feet
a frog symphony
with your chest to my back ,
we wonder off to sleep

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It was the thought of them
It was what she remembered
young flesh, fresh

It was the thought of laughter
they once shared
silly sayings, tickling while
wrestling on the bed

It was the thought of two minds
always thinking about the other
two bodies caressing under stolen

It is the thought of what was found
love that pierced soul , forever attached
even when most of it was ripped out
that small piece forever young like their love
and never growing old